While many folks have fond memories of the original frenzy, the game has evolved considerably since then as developer Niantic has integrated new elements that add depth and breadth to this inimitable franchise by creating an experience that brings people closer together.
Whether you’re just getting started and catching the next cutest Pokémon you see or filling out a few remaining spots in your Pokédex, here are some fresh tips everyone can use to enhance their play in the 2021 version of the game.
Not close to a Raid Battle? No problem. With Remote Raid Passes, available in the in-game shop, you can now battle Raid Bosses by using the Nearby tab in the bottom right corner. Make sure to check the in-game shop regularly, as Event Boxes (free or otherwise!) may offer a free Remote Raid Pass. Raids are the perfect opportunity to earn special items and catch rare Pokémon. In addition to remote raiding, you can now invite five friends from anywhere around the world to join you in taking down a Raid Boss, which can be useful in taking down some of the more Legendary monsters. Raid Bosses vary in difficulty and are categorized into tiers. Tier 1 (Pink Egg) Raid Bosses can be taken down alone, however Tier 3 (Yellow Egg) and Tier 5 (Blue) require some assistance. There is also a fourth tier, Mega Raid, which has been recently introduced to Pokémon GO.
This long awaited feature allows you to power up and transform certain Pokémon into powerful combatants for a limited time, giving you the advantage in taking down Raid Bosses and Team GO Rocket. To Mega Evolve, you’ll need to collect Mega Energy for that specific Pokémon by participating in that Pokémon’s Mega Raid, denoted by a beige Egg with a Mega Evolution symbol. The faster you complete a raid, the more Mega Energy you’ll get, so make sure to invite five friends to ensure a speedy victory. Mega Evolution only lasts for eight hours, but afterwards you’ll be able to Mega Evolve your specific Pokémon with less Mega Energy. Finally, Mega Pokémon will boost your other Pokémon in raids and those of the same type as your Mega Evolved Pokémon will have an even greater boost in attack.
Taking down Team GO Rocket at PokéStops is a great way to catch some rare and powerful Shadow Pokémon; however, Grunts and Leaders can now appear above you in a Team GO Rocket Balloon. Taking down six Grunts will give you access to a Rocket Rader, revealing Rocket Leaders nearby and attracting Team GO Rocket balloons to you. Defeating a Rocket Leader, will reward you with even rarer Shadow Pokémon encounters that can also appear in their Shiny variant. You’ll also win yourself a Strange Red Egg which will hatch rare Pokémon with a higher star rating. Not enough room in your Egg Inventory? Not a problem, three additional spots are left open for three Strange Red Eggs. Check in regularly for Team GO Rocket themed Special Researches and Limited Researches that, once complete, will have you face Team GO Rocket Leader, Giovanni, giving you the opportunity to catch Legendary Shadow Pokémon.
Put your Pokémon to the test by facing other trainers in the Pokémon GO Battle League. Every three months is a Season, and every Season is divided into three different Leagues: Great, Ultra, and Master. Starting with the Great League, you can pick three Pokémon with a CP up to 1,500. The Ultra League allows you to play with Pokémon up to CP 2,500, and, finally, in the Master League where there is no CPlimit. Win rewards and encounter Pokémon as you level up in the League. The higher the rank, the bigger the reward. Check in regularly for specially themed competitions labeled as Cups, giving you the chance to play with a different roster of Pokémon. Pokémon have strengths and weaknesses based on their type, so choose wisely!
Finding the best team of Pokémon to battle Raid Bosses, Team GO Rocket Leaders or other players is key, and Niantic has updated their search bar to make that choice easier. Simply tapping the search bar will display a set of icons that offer a variety of search recommendations, making it easier to search for Pokémon with a high Star Rating or for Pokémon that can Mega Evolve. Niantic has also introduced Tags, giving you the chance to tag Pokémon and making it even easier to search for that specific grouping.
Pokémon GO is filled with useful items that help you catch Pokémon, heal Pokémon, and more. Recently there have been some new additions like the Elite TM, giving you the freedom to choose exactly which attack you want your Pokémon to learn. Another addition is the Rainy Lure Module. Similar to the other Specific Lure Modules, attaching a Rainy Lure module to a PokéStop will attract Water, Bug and Electric Type Pokémon. Finally, if you have made it to Level 40 then you’ll be occasionally rewarded with XL Candy when you catch a Pokémon, which is perfect for the next tip!
Trainers can now work their way to Level 50, and with CandyXL you’ll be able to power up your Pokémon all the way to level 50, even if you haven’t reached level 50. After reaching level 40, you will need to accomplish certain requirements to level up as well as earning a certain amount of XP. Some of the best ways to garner XP are by hitting the rank of “Best Friends” with your friends and participating in the Legendary Raid Hour every Wednesday night from 6 -7. Pop a lucky egg during those events and you’ll be golden.
Have a favorite Pokémon? Now they can be your Buddy on your journey. Walking with your Buddy will earn them more candy, make it easier to power up or evolve them. Your Buddy will also bring you occasional gifts that you can share with your friends, no PokéStop required. Having issues with a wild Pokémon knocking away your Poké Balls? After becoming “Great Friends”, your Buddy can help you catch those Pokémon, by knocking the ball back at them. Once you reach “Best Friends” you’ll be able to raise your Buddy’s CP as well. Finally, to evolve some Pokémon you’ll need to bring them on your adventure as your Buddy and accomplish varied requirements together.
It’s never a dull moment playing Pokémon Go. There are monthly Community Days that highlight certain Pokémon with a higher shiny rate, giving you the opportunity to catch and evolve that Pokémon with an exclusive attack move. Missed a Community Day? No problem! At the end of the year you’ll be able to participate in a two day Community Day that will highlight all the Pokémon featured during the year. However that’s not all. There are limited themed events that occur throughout the year giving you access to specific Pokémon, challenges, and bonuses like XP or Stardust. Finally weekly Spotlight Hours will highlight a specific Pokémon for one hour.
Take advantage of daily bonuses for your first catch, first PokéStop spin, and after seven consecutive days of either you’ll earn a high amount of XP. Field Research can be acquired at PokéStops or will be delivered to you daily for you to accomplish. Some Field Research will offer Pokémon encounters while others will offer items. Complete seven days worth of Field Research and you’ll be rewarded with a Research Breakthrough filled with Stardust, a mysterious item, and a special Pokémon encounter. Be vigilant and scope out PokéStops that are part of your day-to-day life (home, work/school, favorite café, etc.), because you never know what Pokémon might be hanging around.
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