Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Story of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town's Director Shares 5 Quick Tips For Farming Success

Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town, the next entry in the beloved Bokujo Monogatari series (formerly known as Harvest Moon in North America), is now available. This marks the first brand-new entry in the franchise built for the Nintendo Switch, featuring new marriage candidates, the ability to tame wild animals, and helping build a struggling town to new heights. Our review will be up in the coming days, but in the meantime, we enlisted the help of Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town's director Hikaru Nakano for some tips to get you started on the path to success.  

Before we begin, Nakano had this message for our readers and fans: "Striving to make Story of Seasons into something new has been a labor of love," he says. "Of course, we have also kept the cuteness of the animals and the uniqueness of the characters intact through the years. I sincerely hope you will all find joy spending time in this game, so please give it a try to see for yourself!"

Efficient Ways To Make Money

After playing for a few days, you’ll begin collecting titles, such as “New Farmer” or “Novice Miner.”

If you go to Olive Hall, you’ll find a small green box that contains rewards for the titles you have collected. If you ship the town medals you receive there, it can help supplement your income in the early game.

Make Sure To Do This Early In The Game

I’d recommend upgrading your axe, hammer, and bag capacity at the tool shop.

Tips For Befriending The Townspeople

It can be quite difficult to get ahold of some of the things the townspeople like. For example, Iori likes mushrooms, so he’ll be thrilled if you present him with a matsutake mushroom, but they can be difficult to come by. Meanwhile, Bridget’s family runs an animal shop, so she enjoys receiving byproducts that you’ll naturally obtain while raising animals on your farm.

However, you can also raise your friendship with the townspeople without relying on gifts. Fulfilling their requests at Olive Hall and talking to your favorite residents every day is a great way to increase your friendship with them.

The Key To Balancing Your Farming And Social Duties

The most important thing is planning.

It might be helpful to finish watering crops and caring for animals in the morning, then set your main goal for the day. Maybe you’ll want to cut down some extra trees or explore more of the forested area of your farm. There aren’t many people hanging around town early in the morning, so you might have a better chance to see them all if you visit during the evening. Just keep in mind that most shops are closed by 6PM.

Easy To Overlook Elements To Keep In Mind

There is a very rare item you can obtain called an Olive Crystal. I’ll just say that it’s good to keep up with your bucket’s draining skill level so you’re not stressing out about it later down the line.

Also, it’s easy to overlook, but there is a bulletin board with the townsfolk’s requests at Olive Hall, right next to the box where you obtain the title rewards I mentioned earlier. In addition to those requests, Mayor Victor has special requests that will help you develop Olive Town even further. These are important for unlocking more clothing and the option to change your hairstyle.

There’s also a spring in the forested area of town that houses a small, meaningful-looking shrine. This shrine is the key to unlocking some special areas, so don’t forget to drop by every so often to check on it.

Are you excited for Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town? Let us know in the comments below!

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