In this week's episode of The Game Informer Show, we discuss a handful of games we've been digging recently, including Axiom Verge 2, Back 4 Blood, Eldest Souls, Dodgeball Academia, Golf Club Wasteland.
We also have an interview with actor James McAvoy who is in the upcoming indie game 12 Minutes about a man caught in a timeloop, trying to prevent the death of his wife. McAvoy talks about the recording process as well has his history playing video games – in fact, he shares one story about how he had to melt a disc copy of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, because he was staying up late playing the game instead of preparing for work. For more on 12 Minutes, be sure to read our interview with Willem Dafoe.
It's a full show, but we make time for another fantastic round of community emails. So please join John Carson (@John_Carson), Matthew Miller (@MatthewRMiller), Brian Shea (@BrianPShea), Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7), Alex Van Aken (@itsVanAken), and Ben Reeves (@Benjaminreeves) for a new wild and ever-entertaining episode!
Thanks for listening! Please make sure to leave feedback below and share the episode if you enjoyed it. You can watch the video above, subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes or Google Play, listen on SoundCloud, stream it on Spotify, or download the MP3 at the bottom of the page. Also, be sure to send your questions to podcast@gameinformer.com for a chance to have them answered on the show!
Our thanks to The Rapture Twins for The Game Informer Show's intro song. You can hear more of their music on their website.
To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below:
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:02:45 - Eldest Souls
00:08:41 - Dodgeball Academia
00:15:47 - Hades Next-Gen
00:18:37 - Axiom Verge 2
00:32:00 - Back 4 Blood Beta
00:41:50 - Death’s Door
00:44:08 - SplitGate
00:51:08 - Community Email
01:35:47 - James McAvoy Interview | 12 Minutes
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