Thursday, August 20, 2020

Murder-Mystery Horror Martha Is Dead Coming to Xbox Series X and PC in 2021

Murder-mystery horror game Martha Is Dead is coming to Xbox Series X and PC in 2021, and we have a exclusive new gameplay and a trailer to show you. Announced last year, Martha Is Dead comes from LKA, the team behind The Town of Light, which blurred the line between real-life history and fictional horror. Martha Is Dead takes a similar line: set in the Italian countryside as World War 2 draws to a close, a woman is found drowned, and her twin sister is left to reckon with her murder as the war draws closer to her home. LKA has now confirmed that the game will be coming next year to PC (via Steam) and Xbox Series X. You can check out a new trailer below. Warning: some of the images in the trailer are graphic. [ignvideo url=""] Built in Unreal Engine 4, and played in first-person, the game will combine real-life locaitons, Italian folklore and psychological horror. “Martha is Dead is set in a really interesting and distressing period of history, with Italy at this time torn between two major powers fighting for the future", said LKA founder Luca Dalco. "Martha’s brutal murder brings with it a mirrored sense of misery. This game will shock, make players question the truth and like The Town of Light, help continue a conversation around subject matters that still carry much stigma.” We have 10 minutes of exclusive gameplay to show you too, showing off a section of the game's first chapter: [ignvideo url=""] Luca Dalco sums up the prject by saying: “At LKA, we start with a story. Often it’s uncomfortable, not painless and based in truth. We learned a lot with The Town of Light, and Martha is Dead is taking everything we know, and turning it up to 10." [poilib element="accentDivider"] Joe Skrebels is IGN's Executive Editor of News. Follow him on Twitter. Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to


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