Hungry for a new challenge? Of course you are. While From Software has been quiet about Elden Ring for a while, the Souls-like Mortal Shell is hitting real soon. A release date was announced today, and it's not far away, as Mortal Shell lands in just a few weeks on August 18 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Epic Games Store. A demo allowed players to explore a small forest area, interact with a vendor, and eat some mushrooms.

Players also got to explore a cave filled with poison enemies and take on a boss. Two shells were available in the demo, one more tank oriented and one more like a traditional rogue. Combat involves using the "harden" ability to predict when deadly blows are landing (Yep, just like a Kakuna in Pokémon) and countering with your own skills. It wasn't a huge demo, but it was definitely a soulsy taste of what to expect. Let's see what happens when we dig into the full release! Check out the release date trailer below!
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