Quests & Open World
- Fixed an issue in Gig: Getting Warmer... where the player was unable to lower 8ug8ear's body temperature.
- Fixed an issue where being unable to pick up the "Send a crew" shard in Cyberpsycho Sighting: Discount Doc could block progression. Reading the shard is now an optional objective.
- Fixed an issue in Down on the Street where Takemura would get stuck in Japantown Docks after player chose to go to Wakako alone and left the area too early.
- Fixed an issue where the clues in Cyberpsycho Sighting: Bloody Ritual would not count if the player scanned them before talking to the wounded NPC.
- Spray Paint should now trigger properly when player approaches Brendan.
- Fixed an issue in Play it Safe where upon connecting to the Access Point the screen could become black, blocking further progression.
- Fixed an issue where Reported Crime: Dredged Up would not complete if the player opened the container before scanning the blood trail.
- Fixed an issue where a Maelstromer could spawn in an area unreachable for the player, blocking progress in Losing My Religion/Sacrum Profanum.
- Fixed an issue blocking progression in one of the Assaults in Progress in Japantown.
- Addressed an issue where the game could crash during Gig: Hippocratic Oath if the player jumped through the window after breaking it.
- Fixed various issues with enemies clipping through objects and floating in the air in Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Privacy Policy Violation.
- Fixed an issue in Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Privacy Policy Violation, where progression could be blocked due to enemies being stuck in a hangar.
- Holocalls from Mitch should no longer get stuck and repeat if the call was interrupted before.
- Fixed Johnny's appearance in various quests.
- Dennis' car should now spawn correctly in Big in Japan.
- Players can now enter Dennis' car from the right side in Big in Japan.
- Windows inside the shack should no longer break upon opening the container in Big in Japan.
- Big in Japan will now fail if the player leaves Haruyoshi instead of carrying him to safety after opening the container.
- Fixed an issue where player could become unable to use weapons and consumables after getting out of Takemura's van in Down on the Street.
- Player can no longer call Takemura during the meeting with Oda in Down on the Street.
- Fixed an issue where Oda could be found on the bridge between Watson and Westbrook before going to Takemura's hideout in Search and Destroy.
- Fixed an issue in Down on the Street where Oda could crash into player's car if it was parked in his way.
- Fixed an issue where Burning Desire/Night Moves could get stuck on the "Wait for a call from distressed man" objective after player failed the quest.
- Fixed an issue where the door to Cassius Ryder's ripperdoc shop would not open, preventing the player from completing The Gig.
- Saul will no longer follow the player around the world if they leave the quest area after freeing him in Riders on the Storm.
- Fixed an issue where sandstorm could be present in the city if the player fast travelled there during Killing in the Name or Riders on the Storm.
- Riders on the Storm will now fail if the player leaves the Wraith camp before rescuing Saul.
- Gig: Severance Package should now trigger properly after approaching the quest area.
- Fixed an issue where, after the player commits a crime on the roof of a building, NCPD officers would spawn behind the player's back.
- Fixed an issue preventing the player from climbing ladders out of water.
- Fixed various issues related to clipping in NPCs' clothes.
- Added back the icon above NPCs, who are under the Distract Enemies quickhack effect.
- Scanning UI is now less cluttered.
- Fixed an issue where Japanese/Traditional Chinese text could disappear if the player changed the interface language from English to one of these languages.
Stability and performance
- Various memory management improvements (reducing the number of crashes).
- Players should now be able to select stickers in Photo Mode using the Circle button in the Japanese version of the game on PlayStation 4.
- Fixed some graphical issues on a bridge in Mikoshi in Belly Of The Beast/Changes.
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