The tweet mentions "A symphony of rumours" which has led some of the community to think that the door might be activated by playing music or speaking into the PS5's DualSense controller, but there have been no firm results based on such theories just yet. It seems Bluepoint was alluding to another cryptic tweet issued by the account in October 2019, prior to the reveal of Demon's Souls, when fans were trying to figure out what they were working on. The 2019 tweet reads "black monsters escape twisted hills to wander lands and siphon souls" which definitely sounds like an allusion to Demon's Soul's Black Phantoms and the Soul Drain mechanic. This could play a part in solving the wider mystery, but there are other interesting developments. I decided to check out the game's credits to see if there were any secrets there and spotted a number of hidden goat heads in the game's environments... Bluepoint is no stranger to using goats as secret-teasing material, as they previously left cave paintings of similar-looking creatures in the Shadow of the Colossus remake. and have referenced goats multiple times in the studio's cryptic tweets. Commenters underneath my Reddit post about the goats have been dreaming up potential solutions... could the locations of these goat's heads be pointing towards another clue? Do we need to shoot each goat head's location with arrows? Regardless, the greatest lead so far has to be the Ceramic Coins. Bluepoint has added a few new items to Demon's Souls, including two sets of coins, Gold Coins and Ceramic Coins. Gold Coins could be found by killing Fat Official enemies, but Ceramic Coins have proved to be even more elusive. One of the door's main mystery hunters, Distortion2 has been charting his attempts to unlock the secret, and revealed the location of the new item while playing the game at Pure White World Tendency, in Fractured Mode (which mirrors every environment in the game).This is really interesting. So this is what's behind that secret door in Demon's Souls, accessible via photo mode. They're alluding to the other rumours of a Symphony of the Night remake, but also, perhaps music is a factor in opening the door?
— Jordan Oloman (@JordanOloman) November 18, 2020
Of course, this isn't the only Ceramic Coin in the game. Members of the community have already found multiple Ceramic Coins at both Pure White World Tendency and Pure Black World Tendency, across all of the Archstones. The coins vaguely resemble the symbols on the mysterious door. The reason this is such an interesting lead is that in Bluepoint's Shadow of the Colossus remake, there were 79 hidden coins that players had to find in order to unlock a new area and a special sword. It seems the studio is teasing something similar here. If we swing back to the 2019 Bluepoint tweet for a moment, there's a final passage that could be of use. It ends with "Filter your candy collections, soft from solid, and be eco-friendly. Have a metal Halloween." Excuse the tinfoil hat, but of the two new coins added to Demon's Souls, one set is soft and made of clay, and the other is made of solid gold. Is this the final step in the mystery? With the discovery of this new lead, the hunt to unlock the mysterious door has stepped up another notch. If you want to get involved in the coin-hunting community, there are many ways to help out. If you find anything, do post it to the Demon's Souls subreddit, or use the appropriate channels in the affiliated Discord. At present, the community is asking users to submit their attempts at opening the door to a Google Form, in order to create a spreadsheet and whittle down what works and what doesn't. There is, of course, far more to enjoy about Demon's Souls on PS5 than just this mystery – we awarded the game a 9/10 review, saying that "smart quality of life changes and gorgeous visuals go a long way in modernizing this tough PS3 classic." [ignvideo url=""] [poilib element="accentDivider"] Jordan Oloman is a freelance writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter.Players have now started finding 'Ceramic Coins' in the Fractured World in Demon's Souls with Pure White and Black World Tendency.
Bluepoint's SOTC Remake hid 79 coins which led to its own secret mystery. This is the first major lead! — Jordan Oloman (@JordanOloman) November 19, 2020
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