Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Watch Dogs: Legion Patch Fixes Crashing Issues On Xbox One

Yesterday we reported on some of the ongoing issues players, and we at Game Informer, have been experiencing with Watch Dogs: Legion and how developer Ubisoft Toronto has been issuing patches since the game's October 29 release, trying to resolve these problems. The game's latest patch, TU2.10, is out now on Xbox One and will further address many of the game's stability and crashing issues.

Announced late last night on the Ubisoft Forums and released this morning, patch TU2.10 will "improve game stability and address many of the crashes" players have been experiencing in Watch Dogs: Legion, Ubisoft said. The patch is generally focused on Xbox One, though does also apply fixes to some global issues. TU2.10 is expected to release for PlayStation 4 later this week. 

The full patch notes, via the Ubisoft Forums post, can be read below:

Xbox One

  • Resource optimization improvements for User Interface, Textures and AI that decrease crashes occurring during gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash when exiting to main menu.
  • General stability improvements for the in-game areas “Carousel Plaza”, “Slaughterhouse” and “Tower of London”.


  • Fixed an issue that caused “Doomed” Operatives to immediately meet their doom after recruitment. What do we say to the god of death?
  • Fixed an issue that caused highly reflective clothes to appear as black in the Team App.

In our post yesterday, we detailed our specific issues with Legion's late-game mission "Justice4Claire," and how the game crashed every time we tried playing the mission, barring us from progressing in the game's main campaign. After retrying the mission with the latest patch installed, we were able to get past the objective where the crash occurred, alleviating the issue we'd experienced over the last few days. Generally, the game seems to run better with fewer framerate drops.   

For more on Watch Dogs: Legion, make sure to read our review. We also have spoiler-free tips for new players. Lastly, if you want to see the wildest people we found wandering around the game's open-world London, check out our photo essay

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