Thursday, November 12, 2020

PSA: Use a LAN Cable to Transfer PS4 Games to PS5

If you're getting a PS5 today, and you want to transfer PS4 games to it, I cannot impress upon you how much quicker it will be to use a LAN cable. Seriously, do it. Moving games, save data and user profiles from old to new Sony console is a pretty simple process, as our guide on the PS4-PS5 data transfer process shows, but it can also be a slow one if you choose to take the wireless route. I was lucky enough to get a PS5 yesterday, and immediately set about getting my in-progress PS4 games onto the new hardware. I powered on my PS4 and PS5, made sure I was properly signed in on both, connected them to the same network, booted the data transfer app and – because I was too lazy to go looking for an ethernet cable and then plug it in twice – chose the wi-fi transfer process. [ignvideo url=""] I had picked Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Fall Guys, Overwatch, Fuser, FIFA 21, and Marvel's Avengers (I know, I know) to transfer across - meaning several hundred gigabytes of data, all told. Setting up the wi-fi transfer gave me grim news - it would be 27 whole hours until all my games made their way across. Fortunately, my laziness comes second to my impatience. I untangled the rat king of cables I have shoved in a box for just such an occasion, found a suitable one, plugged it in to the back of both consoles, and set up the process again in exactly the same way. My old games were on my new console in less than 3 hours. This isn't revelatory news – we all know wired connections are more efficient than wireless – I just wasn't it expecting to be that much more efficient. If you're getting your PS5 today, consider this an old-fashioned PSA logline: 'If You're Able, Use a Cable'. One issue that's harder to solve is how much space those games are taking up - my PS5 is almost full already. Thankfully, that storage space is one of the few issues we found with Sony's new machine, as you can fiund out in our glowing PS5 review. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=Seriously%2C%20Use%20a%20LAN%20Cable%20to%20Transfer%20PS4%20Games%20to%20PS5&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"] Joe Skrebels is IGN's Executive Editor of News. Follow him on Twitter. Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to


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