Meaty Combat
Diablo Immortal’s moment to moment combat feels great. Diablo III was already best in class when it came to punchy combat; there was nothing quite like hitting an enemy so hard its skeleton was ejected from its body. Immortal has similarly potent animations and meaty sound effects. And crucially, the actual mechanics of controlling your character with a touch screen are fine. I’ve never liked virtual analogue sticks or virtual buttons, but it really didn’t take long to adapt to Diablo Immortal’s controls. The positioning of all the skills (plus the Ultimate and health potions) feels intuitive, and being able to aim many of your skills separately to movement is incredibly useful. [ignvideo url=""] The shift away from bespoke resources like Fury in favour of skills that are essentially on cooldown likely won’t appeal to everyone, but I personally like the rhythm of combat – it’s fast-paced and streamlined, but still with the kind of overall depth you’d expect from an action RPG. In lieu of generating something like Fury, your attacks instead fill your Ultimate meter, which lets you unleash a supercharged version of your primary attack for a short time. While the controls feel good, controller support would be a valuable option in future. I did all my playing at home on a tablet, so propping the device up and using a controller would definitely have been my preferred way to play.[poilib element="quoteBox" parameters="excerpt=While%20the%20controls%20feel%20good%2C%20controller%20support%20would%20be%20a%20valuable%20option%20in%20future."]Gear That Ranks Up
The foundation of character progression in Diablo Immortal is very much what you’d expect – as you level your character it grows in power, and each new level attained either unlocks a new skill or upgrades one or more existing skills. Items you’re using can grow in power too, however, thanks to the rank up system. This lets you spend the materials you gain from salvaging unwanted gear to rank up rare and legendary items. It’s a great system because it means if you find a sweet legendary weapon you can use it for longer – it gets stronger alongside you. Rare items have a max rank of five, whereas legendary items can go all the way to 20, and along the way will get bonus random properties at levels 5, 10 and 20. [ignvideo url=""] The best part, however, is that these ranks are basically gear independent - you never lose the resources you’ve sunk into ranking up an item. Find a devastating axe to replace your hammer? When you go to equip it, you can transfer the ranks from your old hammer across. This system means that you’re basically always making progress even if you haven’t found superior loot in a while. Oh, and speaking of loot, I don’t think I’ve ever spent less time in my inventory in a Diablo game. Immortal uses a power rating system, and it’s really useful – particularly in the early game - as you can quickly equip anything with an up arrow and leap back into the fray. [caption id="attachment_2460795" align="alignnone" width="1920"]
Build-Around Drops & Character Customisation
Skills in Diablo Immortal can’t be modified with runes the way they are in Diablo III, but they can be impacted via legendary items. The Barbarian weapon Obin’s Many Fingers, for instance, gives the Chained Spear skill two additional spears, making it significantly more effective. It’s a clever way to let the loot drops encourage players to mix up the skills they use, and I enjoyed adapting my playstyle to the legendary items I came across. There’s a lot of scope for customisation across the 13 item slots too. These are divided into six primary items (head, legs, torso, weapon, shoulder, off-hand/secondary weapon), six secondary items (neck, waist, two rings, feet and hands) and one charm. Primary items can only be socketed with Legendary Gems, and many of these have build-altering abilities, such as giving attacks the chance to call down chain lightning or splitting a percentage of damage across nearby party members. Secondary items, meanwhile, are slotted with regular gems, which offer statistical boosts to things like damage and life total. And like previous games, all gems can be upgraded for extra punch. The last piece of the puzzle is the Paragon system, which kicks in when you reach max level, and has multiple skill trees to unlock and switch between depending on your build’s focus – or what your party needs. I can’t wait to see a character all the way through to this. [caption id="attachment_2460798" align="alignnone" width="1920"]
Superb Art Direction
Diablo Immortal’s game world is detailed, moody and immersive. Small touches abound, whether it’s people working the bellows at the Smithy in Westmarch, or subtle environmental details like the shadow of a slowly turning windmill cast across the parched ground of Shassar Sea. It all helps make the world feel more real and lived in. More than that, though, I’m enjoying seeing the choices the team has made in setting this game apart from previous titles. I love the realism of the character art, for instance – the portraits during conversations are just so serious and often kind of severe. It really seems to speak to the hardships these people have endured. I also love how bad-ass the gear looks. Even early on, my character was a sight to behold on the inventory screen. Each class has an impressively distinct style, and it doesn't seem to matter what items you equip - they all seem to work. The level of detail here is striking, as is the use of colour. These characters look really vibrant. It’s been a long while since Diablo III came out, of course, but the evolutionary leap is massive. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=diablo-immortal-screenshots&captions=true"]Just the Right Level of Nostalgia
Set between the events of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction and Diablo III, Immortal has a lot to offer long-term Diablo fans. The overall story is driven by the quest to find still-powerful shards of the shattered Worldstone, which have caused ancient evils to stir, and which a demon named Skarn – the Herald of Terror – wants to use to resurrect Diablo. For me though, it’s the return of iconic characters like series staple Deckard Cain or Diablo II’s Charsi that’s most appealing, or the cameos by memorable bosses such as The Skeleton King, who appeared in both the original Diablo and Diablo III and The Countess, who debuted in Diablo II. It’s also cool seeing how familiar locations like The Dark Wood have been reinterpreted. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=diablo-immortal-artwork&captions=true"] Diablo Immortal cleverly re-uses a number of iconic sound effects too. If you’ve ever heard loot flipping through the air in Diablo II, or you’ve hoovered up a health globe in Diablo III, you’ll be right at home in Diablo Immortal.More Than One Way to Skin a (Monstrous, Undead) Cat
Diablo Immortal very much has a main questline to follow, but there’s an awful lot to do beyond just beelining for that next objective. And importantly, many of the activities and events in the game are designed to be bite-sized, so they’re ideal if you’re out and about or just have a few minutes to spare. Most of these are located in Diablo Immortal’s main city hub, Westmarch. Elder Rifts, for instance, are a race against the clock through short, randomised dungeons. They can be run over and over again, but what keeps them interesting is the fact that you can spend up to three Crests to add random modifiers. These can be both good and bad, so your attack speed might increase, for instance, while at the same time, monsters might occasionally resurrect. Running Elder Rifts without Crests will still net you gear, experience points and gold, but adding Crests bumps up the rewards. If you use a Legendary Crest, for instance, you’re guaranteed a Legendary Gem drop. Crests can be earnt through play, but they can also be purchased, and all players in a party share the benefits of any Crests used too. [caption id="attachment_2460800" align="alignnone" width="1920"]
The Monetisation Model Seems Reasonable
One of the player base’s biggest concerns about Diablo Immortal is the fact that it’s free-to-play. Will it be pay-to-win? Will it have an energy system? Paid EXP boosts? The good news is the answer is no to all of that. As I mentioned, there are no gameplay roadblocks associated with the game’s free-to-play model, and beyond that, the team’s policy is that all gear has to be earnt, so you can’t pay or trade for items – they can only be attained through gameplay. That said, Diablo Immortal will of course have numerous ways to spend money for those so inclined. The monthly Battle Pass, for instance, unlocks a second reward track that will help boost the number of Crests, gems, Honor and other resources that you have to play with. The drops on the free path are already pretty good, and even include legendary weapons. [caption id="attachment_2460802" align="alignnone" width="1920"]
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