Risk of Rain 2 will move out of early access and officially launch on August 11, coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC (Steam). While the game has seen many frequent content updates during its long early access period, a significant chunk of content is coming with the launch update as well.
Is it time to squad up with 3 of your friends for some third-person roguelike powerup-shooty madness? Or maybe you like going it alone. Either way, the opportunity to dive into the 1.0 version is happening real soon.

Players can access a new playable character, The Captain, who specializes in utility and damage functions. The Captain also can summon in probes and beacons that provide armor and healing, which makes him a handy addition to any strike team.
New stages, new items, and new enemies come with the patch as well, taking you to the Moon itself! Moons are always the most awesome final stages. Remember Final Fantasy IV? The Moon is freaking awesome in that game. Anyway, there's a new hidden boss to discover as well!
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