The Dark Side of the Moon isn't just a classic Pink Floyd album; it's also an unlockable region in Super Mario Odyssey. Not only are there
24 Power Moons to find throughout this low gravity locale, but also a boss battle gauntlet to run in the form of
Rabbit Ridge Tower. There aren't, however, any Purple Coins to collect, nor Crazy Cap Store to shop in, nor any bitching David Gilmour guitar solos to enjoy. The Dark Side of the Moon won't unlock until after you've completed Super Mario Odyssey's main story, and even then you're going to need at least 250 Power Moons to upgrade the Odyssey so it can fly beyond the
Moon Kingdom. If you're struggling to find that many Power Moons, you can either consult this
Power Moon guide or just buy Power Moons from the Crazy Cap Store. [ignvideo url=""]
Dark Side of the Moon Boss Guide: Rabbit Ridge Tower
When you arrive at the Dark Side of the Moon, make your way from the Odyssey to Rabbit Ridge Tower using the Spark Pylons. Waiting for you inside the tower are all four Broodal bosses that you'll need to fight in succession, culminating in a final fight against the RoboBrood. [ignvideo url=""] It's a tough ask, but fortunately, there is a handy trick to gain the upper hand on these buck-toothed baddies. Before hopping on the last Spark Pylon that leads to the tower, stop and throw your hat at the spike on the right shown in the screenshot below, and hold it there until a Life-Up Heart appears.

Grabbing this Life-Up will mean you have six lives to defeat all Broodals, rather than three. Additionally, after you defeat each Broodal you can make your way back out of the tower and return to the spike above, repeat the process and score yourself another Life-Up heart to keep Mario topped up at six lives. When you head back to the tower you can move on to the next Broodal without having to fight the ones you've already defeated, and you can keep repeating this process as many times as you like until you've defeated them all.
Rabbit Ridge Tower: First Floor

Your first opponent is Topper, who you would have previously met in the
Cap Kingdom and
Bowser's Kingdom. The battle will play out much the same way as the first time, with the key difference being the moon's low gravity - so be careful when you're timing your jumps that you don't accidentally fall onto one of Topper's many hats. To take out Topper, repeatedly throw Cappy at him until he is stunned, then jump up above him and ground pound onto his head. Topper will then split into a bunch of top hats that swirl around the arena, so you'll need to either jump over them or throw Cappy at them to deflect and destroy them. In his second phase, his top hats will assemble into a tall tower on his head. Watch out for a pink circle that appears around him - this is a signal that the multiple hats on his head are about to form a large pillar that will slam down towards you and spin in a circle, so get ready to jump away or to the side. Otherwise, keep throwing Cappy at him to knock the hats off his head, before once again ground pounding his head when there are no hats left. When he splits into a large number of swirling hats again, move to the edge of the arena and just deflect any top hats that head your way by throwing Cappy at them. For his final phase, Topper will assemble an even taller tower of top hats on his head. The pink circle will have a much larger radius, so as soon as you see it appear, turn at a sharp angle and jump out of the area to avoid Topper's slam and spin attack. When he goes back to walking around the arena, keep knocking top hats off by throwing Cappy at them but be ready to get out of the way when the pink circle appears. Watch out for the top hats you knock off as they'll continue to bounce around the arena, and keep attacking Topper until all of his hats are removed and you can ground pound him one last time.
Rabbit Ridge Tower: Second Floor

Next up is Harriet, whom you already met previously in the
Sand Kingdom and
Bowser's Kingdom. Harriet will lob pairs of spiky bombs at you, so as soon as she throws them run back so you don't get hit by them and throw Cappy at the bombs to knock them back into Harriet, snooker-style. You might miss a few times, but you'll know you've scored a direct hit when Harriet drops to the ground and grabs at her head. At this point quickly throw Cappy at her to stun her and then jump above her and ground pound down onto her head. Harriet will then hop inside her helmet and hover around the arena like a flying saucer, dropping bombs. She'll only drop bombs around the edge of the arena, so just wait in the middle and you'll be out of harm's way. After dropping her third row of bombs, quickly get out of the way as she returns to the middle. The rest of the fight plays out in much the same way, just with the addition of flaming craters in the floor that you'll need to steer clear of. Once you've jumped on her three times in total, the fight will be over and you can move up to the third floor.
Rabbit Ridge Tower: Third Floor

The next boss is the unfortunately named Spewart, and this will be your fourth encounter with him after meeting him in the
Wooded Kingdom,
Luncheon Kingdom and
Bowser's Kingdom. This vomitous villain is arguably the easiest Broodal you'll face in the Rabbit Ridge Tower sequence. Just stay at the edge of the arena as he spews up his circles of purple poison, then throw Cappy to clear a path to him and rush in to perform a ground pound on his head. When he retreats into his hat, return to the edge of the arena and throw Cappy at him anytime he heads towards you until he re-emerges from his hat and continues to spit deadly goop. Then just repeat the previous strategy to clear a path so you can attack him, but be mindful that there'll be increasing amounts of hazardous hurl. Once you've jumped on him three times, you can move up to the fourth floor.
Rabbit Ridge Tower: Fourth Floor

The last of the Broodal brood is Rango, who you've previously tackled in the
Lake Kingdom,
Snow Kingdom and
Bowser's Kingdom. This beanpole of a bunny will throw his sawblade-like hats directly at you, but you can easily deflect them by throwing Cappy at them. This will flip his hat over to reveal a spinning flower. Run onto the flower and it will launch Mario into the air, and with the assistance of the moon's low gravity you can steer Mario over the top of Rango (using Mario's shadow as a guide), before holding ZR or ZL to quickly drill down onto his head. Quickly run to the edge of the arena as Rango hops into his hat. When the hat lurches towards you, jump in the air and ground pound it. Mario will bounce back up into the air and Rango will remove his hat, as soon as he does you should perform another ground pound while his head is exposed. Immediately move away from him, and repeat the process to finish him off. Now head to the top of the tower.
Rabbit Ridge Tower: Roof

You'll now be met with the
RoboBroodal from
Bowser's Kingdom, only this fight will be slightly different. At the start of the fight, quickly move over to one of the Hammer Bros and capture him with your Cappy. Then keep launching hammers at one of the RoboBroodal's legs while dodging any bombs it drops. As soon as you knock the armor off one of the legs, quickly move out of the way so you don't get crushed by the RoboBroodal as it falls to the ground. Use the RoboBroodal's legs as a staircase to jump up on top of its body, and ground pound the dome to take out one of the Broodals. As soon as you land, capture another Hammer Bro and quickly assault the RoboBroodal's legs again before it can begin its stomp attack. When the armor shatters and it falls, jump up and ground pound the exposed Broodal. In the third phase, stay as Mario and perform long jumps to avoid the RoboBroodal's charge attacks. After avoiding the second attack, capture another Hammer Bro and return to the middle of the arena to pummel the RoboBroodal's legs with hammers. Watch out for the spinning fireworks that the RoboBroodal drops, and keep attacking the legs. Move away once the leg armor comes off, and rather than collapse the RoboBroodal will move into a squatting position. Use one of its legs to jump up on top of it, and ground pound the third Broodal. The fourth and final phase is pretty similar to the third, just capture a Hammer Bro, avoid the spinning fireworks, and keep attacking the RoboBroodal's legs as fast as you can. Once the leg armor is removed the RoboBroodal will fall forward in a faceplant, and you can jump up its legs and ground pound the final Broodal. With the RoboBroodal taken care of, Mario will earn a Royal Crown and Royal Outfit, and you'll then be able to go after the rest of the Power Moons hidden in this kingdom!
List of Dark Side of the Moon Power Moons
There are 24 Power Moons to collect in the Dark Side of the Moon kingdom, and their locations are listed on this
Dark Side of the Moon map. Here's how to get them:
Still need more help with Super Mario Odyssey? Be sure to check out our
Super Mario Odyssey wiki guide for interactive kingdom maps, walkthroughs, Purple Coin locations and more! [poilib element="accentDivider"]
The Super Mario Odyssey guide was made through a collaborative effort between the entire IGN guides team with great freelancers and community support.
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