A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pinball machine has been announced by Stern Pinball Inc. and it features a magnetic spinning pizza disc (!), three ramps, three flippers, comic-book style art, and the original cartoon theme song to tie it all together. Stern worked with Nickelodeon – recent custodians of the TMNT brand – to make this machine. This is not the first TMNT pinball machine, as Data East put out Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that was kinda dull, if colorful (it also had a non-magnetic pizza-shaped spinning disc). This new game, designed by John Borg (Iron Man, Metallica, Tron) holds a lot more promise than the 1991 game. The TMNT (2020) art is by Zombie Yeti (Ghostbusters). [caption id="attachment_2357022" align="aligncenter" width="720"]

The Limited Edition Playfield with van toy, Krang toy, and ramp diverter.[/caption] There are three versions of Stern's TMNT (this is the way, in 2020). The Premium and Limited Edition versions have a cool turtle van that spews out pinballs for multiball, a glider toy diverter that allows you to select a ramp to send the ball down, and a Krang toy that... bounces. Here's the full feature matrix.

Recent Stern machines like Stern's Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy have made use of licensed footage, but TMNT doesn't have any old cartoon footage, instead using custom animations you can get a tiny glimpse at in the features video below. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/05/27/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-pinball-machine-stern-2020-first-video-and-gameplay"] The Limited Edition (LE), limited to 500 total made games, green (ooze?) armor, a unique art package with mirrored backglass, a custom autographed (by game creators) bottom arch and numbered plaque, art blades for the cabinet interior sides, an "upgraded audio system," fancy anti-glare pinball glass, and a shaker motor (basically a rumble pack, but huge).

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is available now. The LE will set you back $9,099, while the Premium runs $7,699, and the Pro $6,099. You may have to wait a bit to find one of these on quarter play in public. Check out the tons of images below to help you make your decision. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=first-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-le-images-stern-pinball-2020&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"]
Samuel Claiborn is IGN's Managing Editor and both fixes and breaks pinball machines in his garage. TCELES B HSUP to follow him @Samuel_IGN on Twitter.
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