Monday, April 6, 2020

Every Game With Confirmed Cross-Play

(Updated on April 2, 2020.) With Sony completing the beta phase of cross-play on PS4 last year, the long-requested feature is now positioned to grow out of its infancy and into a multiplayer staple by the time next-gen consoles launch later in 2020. With official support in place from all major platform holders, we're highlighting every current and upcoming game with confirmed cross-play.

In order for a game to qualify for this list, it has to feature cross-play between any combination of PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC (specific PC platforms are listed as they apply). If a game has multiple cross-play combinations (e.g. Xbox One-PC and PS4-PC, but not Xbox One-PS4), they're simply listed on different lines.

Scroll through the gallery below for the full list.

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How have your experiences with cross-play been? What other current or upcoming games do you hope to see add cross-play support? Let us know in the comments.

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Jordan is a freelance writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter.


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