Monday, December 7, 2020

Zevran's Actor Rallies Fans For Dragon Age 4

From what we've seen of Dragon Age 4, especially with the extensive concept art shared earlier this year and the ending of Inquisition's Trespasser DLC, and the associating comics with Mage Killer and Blue Wraith, the next phase of the story will focus heavily on Antiva and Tevinter. With the most recent concept art revealing what looks to be Dragon Age Origins' Zevran making a return with his silver-laden armor, and the most recent short seen on Dragon Age Day, it's no wonder why all eyes are on what's next for our favorite ex-crow. For those hoping for a reunion with our smooth-talking elf, the voice actor behind the charismatic character is rallying fans with his excitement to potentially be involved. 

Jon Curry has an amazing voice (I'm pretty sure it's required by law to have a voice kink if you're a BioWare fan) and he is more than down to reprise his role as the ex-crow with a silver tongue. The call to elf-loving arms began when Curry teased a new project on Dragon Age game on Twitter, saying "Just found out I'm going to be voicing an awesome new character soon. Stay tuned! Super exciting."

Immediately, fans responded with Zevran questions, to which he replied "I sure wish they'd bring Zevran back!! Can someone start a letter-writing campaign? Wow, how old fashioned was that statement???" 

In our analysis of the Mortalitasi and its role with Dragon Age 4, the possibility of Zevran's return is actually a lot higher than many might think, especially given that it looks like we may have a Mortalitasi companion. Given that this necromancy-focused group of high-ranking mages are the Nevarran elite and have deep roots with Antiva and Tevinter alike, it looks like Solas' betrayal may be the least of our concerns. 

While not Zevran-related news, we do at least have the confirmation that we'll see something new about Dragon Age 4 this week with the Game Awards 2020 showcase this Thursday. We don't know if that's more concept art or a teaser trailer like two years ago, but it will be interesting to see what BioWare has to show on the heels of the news that Mark Darrah and Casey Hudson are departing the company

Are you hoping to see Zevran return for Dragon Age 4? What other returning characters would you like to see in the upcoming game? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below! 

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