Friday, September 4, 2020

Watch Nintendo's Goofy, Fun Japanese Mario 3D All-Stars Commercials

Nintendo announced the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection during a surprise Nintendo Direct. This new All-Stars collects Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy 1 into a single package for the Nintendo Switch, and Nintendo released a series of cute, nostalgic Japanese trailers for each game in the collection. [ignvideo url=""] Each trailer is dedicated to one of the games in the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection. The first trailer is about Super Mario 64 where a father watches as his children play Super Mario 64 on the Switch. Tinged with nostalgia, the father is later seen by himself playing Mario 64 in handheld mode while the rest of the family is presumably asleep. [ignvideo url=""] The second trailer is for Super Mario Sunshine and leans on the platformer's notorious difficulty. A man inspired by the sunset goes home and plays Super Mario Sunshine on the Nintendo Switch. But he's shown losing again, and again, and again. [ignvideo url=""] The Mario Galaxy trailer is the most conventional of the three but does showcase how Mario Galaxy plays in TV mode, complete with two-person co-op where another player controls the star to collect bits. This trailer somewhat answers some questions players raised about how motion controls will work in Mario Galaxy for the Switch. [ignvideo url=""] A final celebration video for Mario's 35th anniversary was released where Japanese singer Gen Hoshino creates a song influenced by 35 years of Mario music. Super Mario 3D All-Stars was announced as part of a special 35th anniversary Mario Direct. The collection will be released for a limited time on September 18, 2020, and will be available digitally through March 31, 2021. Pre-orders for the All-Stars collection are live now. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Matt T.M. Kim is a reporter for IGN.


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