Wednesday, September 2, 2020

No Man's Sky Developer Hello Games Working on New, Large-Scale Project

No Man's Sky developer Hello Games has a portion of its team working on a "huge, ambitious" new project. In an interview with Polygon, studio founder Sean Murray explained that Hello Games is now made up of 26 people. 3 have been working on new "Hello Games short" The Last Campfire, with the remaining 23 split between working on new updates for No Man's Sky, and a brand new project, which Murray calls "a huge, ambitious game like No Man’s Sky.” He also made clear that it isn't a sequel. [ignvideo url=""] Practically nothing is known about the new game, but Hello Games confirmed to IGN that it is "very early" in development. Murray is seemingly unsure about how much to discuss the game in advance, after No Man's Sky's controversial release (and eventual redemption): "I think about it a lot and I don’t know where I come down on it," he told Polygon. "There is a really positive thing about talking about your game a lot. Where you get people interested in it who wouldn’t have played it otherwise. [...] But I look back, having done a lot of different press opportunities and things like that. And I reckon about half of what we did — and a lot of where we had problems, I think, where we were naive — we didn’t really need to do and we would have had the same level of success, you know?” It seems like we'll have quite a wait for the new game, but Hello Games isn't done with No Man's Sky, with the developer telling IGN there was "plenty" more to come from the space exploration sandbox. The Last Campfire was released last week, and it seems likely that we'll see other Hello Games shorts - designed with a similar creative impetus as Pixar's shorts - come in future too. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=no-mans-sky-new-multiplayer-screenshots&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"] Joe Skrebels is IGN's Executive Editor of News. Follow him on Twitter. Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to


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