Friday, September 4, 2020

How Marvel's Avengers Has Improved Since The Beta

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If you opened up an internet browser over the last few weeks, you've seen people who weren't very happy with Crystal Dynamics' take on Earth's Mightiest Heroes. The beta for Marvel's Avengers was met with derision as many felt underwhelmed by what they were playing.

But just like the game's opening A-Day event, the full release of Marvel's Avengers has more to unravel. Join Dan Tack, Ben Reeves, and me as we talk about what's changed from our time with the beta and how Crystal Dynamics has pulled together a really fun time for Marvel fans.

If you enjoyed our discussion and are hungry for more from Marvel's Avengers, be sure to check out our written review and what we had to say about the game on our newest episode of The GI Show.

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